Helping Families Understand the Effects of Trauma
Advocating for the worth and potential of every child.

Center For Healing Childhood Trauma
Our Center for Healing Childhood Trauma is an online resource for anyone looking to understand the impact of childhood trauma. Our hope is that the online courses provide a roadmap toward better relationships, better mental health, and healing from childhood trauma.

Community Support Group
We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month from 3:30-5:30pm with dinner and childcare provided.

Lost Sparrows Trauma Conference
Held every fall in Winona Lake, Indiana with 20+ speakers, 30+ breakout sessions, and 10+ workshops.
How We Are Making a Difference
We desire to stop the flow of children into institutions, and allow families the opportunity to raise their children.
We know that if we only supported orphanages and institutions, we would be continuing to support the flow of children into these dark places. Instead, we are working to keep children with their families, because every child deserves the love of a family, not the sterility of an institution.
Trauma Education
We help equip parents, caregivers, and social services with essential information about caring for children and teens from hard places.
Nik's Heart of Hope
The part of Lost Sparrows that meets the tangible needs of vulnerable children and families in Eastern Europe, the Philippines and other parts of the world.
Community Support Group
Join us as we look to encourage, answer questions, and learn from each other about raising children with trauma.
Why Lost Sparrows?
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.

In the Bible, the sparrow represented the lowliest of common creatures God created. Yet time and time again, we are reminded that God is so active and caring that not even a sparrow is lost without Him knowing. He watches over them, just like He watches over His children.